A Month in the Life of...

So, a lot of times I don't wind up posting on here because my life even with two kids, is pretty much the same day to day. Wake up, have breakfast, play, house work, lunch (either here or out), errands, play, nap time, supper time, play time, bath, bed time. But, I realized that these days are just as precious as the days to come which might be filled with more "exciting" things, so instead of waiting for something exciting to come along to blog about, I've decided to *attempt* to blog each day a little snippet of what we did. I may not have a ton of pictures or any elaborate stories, but it might help me remember some of the funny things Caleb said, or something that Adam did, etc. I recently came to grips with the fact that I am not a scrapbooker. I get overwhelmed looking at all the pictures, deciding which ones to use, how to cut them, where to place them, what "accents" to put beside them, etc. PLUS, since I haven't scrapbooked since Caleb was a baby, where do I pick up? I'm so much better with a computer, so this blog is going to take the place of my scrapbook. Enjoy!

1 Response to "A Month in the Life of..."

  1. Nana says:
    September 1, 2011 at 12:23 AM

    Sorry I am so long in writing, just getting older, I guess lol
    All the pictures are so good, flowers and all so nice. Glad that Caleb likes pre-school. Adam is happy just doing anything..

    God Bless. thanks again for blogs.

    Nana Shirley