Day 3: Change of Plans

So, I'm a planner. I've always prided myself on having every part of my day planned out. That changed when I had kids. :) Today started out one way, but ended up totally different. Caleb went to preschool this morning, and on the way there, I got a call from Eric's mom (Mimi) asking if they could take Caleb for the weekend (they were spending it in Brevard), to which I said, "SURE!" After dropping Caleb off, I went back home, packed him up really quick, then took Adam back out to ALDI to get the rest of my groceries for tomorrow's shower. My brother, Ben, is getting married to Stephanye (a long time friend from church) in October, so we are throwing them a kitchen and grill shower. Lots of preparation has to be done, but it's all fun! Eric's parents got here about 2:15pm, so we met them at Krispy Kreme and made the swap, then I brought Adam back here to nap some more (right now, he is just talking) while I did some more stuff for the party. Here are some pics from our day (so far)!

Here's Adam in the car while we wait to get Caleb from preschool!
Caleb enjoyed a chocolate topped cream filled doughnut from Krispy Kreme- yum! Grandpa Wayne is wiping off the evidence!
He's ready to go!!

Lots of carrots to cut up for tomorrow's party! They are going to be paired with a yummy dill dip that I make. :)

And these pretty babies are going to be decorating with black icing and Hot Tamales to look like grills. I got the idea from a past Taste of Home magazine.
And here's the magazine ad! Great idea for a kitchen and grill shower!
And what better to keep from eating those yummy looking grill brownies than a scrumptious candy bar! :)

1 Response to "Day 3: Change of Plans"

  1. Nana says:
    September 1, 2011 at 12:19 AM

    Emily, Amanda and Cathy did a super job on the food and decorations. Glad I could help some for Ben and Steph's shower.
    Had lots of good friends...All the pictures of the food looks good here, plus, it tasted great.
    Love all and thanks for the blogs.

    Nana Shirley