Day 8: Time with Adam

Caleb decided to not take a nap today at Grandma's house (I, Emily, was working at Pat's house), so he got to go to bed before Adam. As I didn't take any other pictures today, we took a picture of Adam actually kissing me (SO sweet!) plus some other funny videos!
Here Adam is putting magnets on a magnetic and saying "Yay!!!"

And this video shows why "clean up" always takes so long with this kid around!

And finally, my favorite video....Adam pillow fighting with Daddy but getting too excited about raising the pillow up that the momentum actually propels him to fall backwards. He was not hurt and didn't cry so do not worry. It was hilarious!

1 Response to "Day 8: Time with Adam"

  1. Nana says:
    August 31, 2011 at 11:46 PM

    I sure am glad I was with Freda today, she reminded me of the blogs, thanks for sending to her, they are so cute. Love you four sweet folks. God is so good.
    Nana Shirley