Day 13: Bananagrams

This awesome game is all contained inside this awesome banana-shaped bag. It runs about $15 at A.C. Moore (and probably Walmart, Target, and other areas), so we got it for $7.50 with a 50% coupon. Eric and I have always enjoyed it as a two person game (although you can play with many more people and it is even more fun!). Basically you have tiles with letters on them (just like Scrabble) but instead of everybody trying to put fancy words onto a shared board, you use your tiles to make your personal board with the goal of using up all of your letters. You can win the game using a bunch of 3 letter words if you have to!

All that to say, it's a cool game. But now that Caleb is learning to read, we've been using it to teach him how to spell out words. It is one of his favorite games to play!
It starts with me making a word for him...then Caleb tries to sound it out. Sometimes it helps if I cover up part of the word to help him sound it, he was learning how to identify a "silent E", and learn how it affects the vowel in the word.
It has helped Caleb learn so many new words. I would highly recommend it to anyone!

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