Guilty truth be told, I've been putting off updating the blog because I know that I have SO much to catch up on. Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc...but, as I realized that "something is better than nothing at all", I decided just to post about the boys these days. Maybe some day (maybe NEXT Christmas), I'll blog about this past Christmas. :)

Caleb is three and a half now. He astounds us daily with his vocabulary and phrases. He will say things like:

"I hit Adam with an accident." (instead of "I hit Adam accidentally")

"Mommy, I need a tennis shoe for my nose." (tissue)

"Mommy, today I am a cat so I would like tuna for breakfast."

He loves building tents by draping various blankets/sheets over our card table and then proceeds to collect different items from his room and the living room to put in the tent. It ends up being very cramped in there. One of his favorite games is to draw a "map" on his Etch-a-Sketch to where the "berries" are and then he and I each have a dinosaur who follows the map to the berries. He loves helping us cook, dragging his little plastic blue step stool around to our counters to watch us and help us. For breakfast, he loves Poptarts (I know...not the healthiest thing, but SO convenient on those rushed preschool mornings), oatmeal, eggs/toast/grits, and sometimes cereal (but never with milk in it). He is enjoying preschool and considers "Will" (I haven't met him yet) his best buddy. He goes three times a week from 9am-12pm, and then attends Lunch Bunch from 12pm-1pm with other kids there. His favorite lunches are ham roll ups, ham and cheese sandwich with mayo and mustard, fruit cups, and juice boxes. He loves playing drums (which I will expand on in the next blog) and singing funny songs. His favorite movies are Cars, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and recently Thomas the Train. He listens to our music in the car (which is usually Third Day, 10th Avenue North, Steven Curtis Chapman, Casting Crowns) and frequently we get questions such as, "What does Redeemer mean?", "What does salvation mean?" Here's our little man dressing up in a nice blazer and tie. There was one day that he insisted wearing his tie to preschool...I decided to choose my battles and proceeded to let him. :) In the back of the picture, you will see one of the many tents he has built.

And here, he is wanting to take OFF the jacket proclaiming that it is TOO HOT.
Adam, believe it or not, is almost a year old (Feb 23rd)!! He has kept his blue eyes, and now has a head of beautiful blond hair (completely opposite of his brother whose eyes turned brown and who was bald until he was 12 months!). He is a very smiley baby (when he isn't sick), is developing QUITE the personality (has a temper when he isn't getting fed fast enough!), and is almost walking. He is a fast crawler and even a fast cruiser, but has not decided to walk. I am OKAY with this. I strongly encouraged Caleb to walk at 11 months, and while I was proud when he did, I realized that he was now MOBILE. I decided not to do this with my second one. He can walk whenever he decides to. :) Adam likes to slyly drop things onto the floor while sitting in his highchair. He'll casually, slowly lean over to one side with his hand hidden behind his tray and drop whatever it is onto the floor. He loves playing with and chewing on a key ring I made him of those store MVP card tags. Adam loves to play with his big brother's toys, but sometimes gets a little excited and destroys the train track, takes apart the car track, pulls the blankets down on Caleb's tents, etc. Caleb half of the time is patient with him, and the other half reacts strongly to Adam messing with "his stuff". We're still working on the sharing thing! Adam LOVES baths and wil proceed to crawl at a very fast rate from the living room all the way to the bathroom whenever he hears the bath water running. He is wearing 18 months clothing (sometimes 24 months!) and is probably around 25 pounds. He has 8 teeth and eats ANYTHING we put in front of him. I quit making his baby food about 2 months ago, and just gave him what was on our plate and he loves it. The only thing he does not care for is fruit cocktail-- weird. Here he is in an adorable hat (that Velcros underneath his chin so he can't pull it off!).

And here he is, in one of his favorite positions (we call it the "Spiderman position") hanging upside down off of my lap. He giggles and giggles every time!

So there is an update for now. The boys are growing way too fast! :)

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