Pajama Day!

Neither of the boys (nor I, for that matter) wanted to get ready this morning, so we decided to stay home in our pajamas and just play (well, I did vacuum the living room, but otherwise, I played too). Here are some pictures from the day!

Caleb, enjoying a breakfast treat (Lucky Charms...or "Blessed Irish Symbols/Magic Stars" if you get the generic brand! Ha!)

Adam thought he'd enjoy some too!

(Although he only gets the non-marshmallow ones)

Adam, since he has learned to walk, no longer likes being confined in his corral while Caleb plays with his big boy toys. So, we decided to put Caleb in the corral, shut the door, and keep Adam outside of it. It worked well! Here's Adam looking longingly at Caleb and his cool toys!

Caleb and I played with playdoh today and loved cutting out lots of shapes from plastic cookie cutters. Below, is supposed to be a cat. According to Caleb, it is a cat. However, he made it out of a flag shaped one. Creative, huh?

Adam has started to put out his tongue in concentration. Finally caught it on camera!

I think I need to brief Caleb on the real rules of he is, hiding, and convinced I do not see him (just because he can't see me). :)

Adam got his PJs all dirty from eating a fig newton (or "thig newton" as Caleb calls it), so we just stripped him down to just his diaper.

And, there's Adam's tongue again...and Caleb alongside.

Caleb attempting to give the now-mobile Adam a hug.


And grins from Caleb!

2 Response to "Pajama Day!"

  1. Mimi's Adventures in Beaufort says:
    March 12, 2011 at 8:14 AM

    Awwww! What cute boys. Thanks for sharing them. I wonder where the tongue hanging out in concentration came from???

  2. Helen Joy says:
    March 14, 2011 at 3:18 PM are such a sweet mama. I love the way you love your boys!