Our youngest son, Adam Connor, turned 5 months on July 23rd (day before Caleb's 5th birthday). Some interesting tidbits of info on Adam (interspersed with some recent pics):
He weighs about 20 pounds, wears size 6-9 month and 12 month clothes, and size 3 diapers.
He kept his bright blue eyes and has a little bit of blondish brown hair. When Caleb was this age, he had brown eyes and NO hair. :)
He loves his exersaucer, bouncy seat, and rolling on the floor. He rolls from his back to his tummy with no trouble, but is not quite rolling from his tummy to his back.
He is eating rice cereal at night before bed and it seems to like his tummy this time. We tried starting cereal about a month ago, and it made him into a fussier baby, so we tried a different brand and he loves it! (And it loves him back)
He loves giving smooches by grabbing the sides of your face and pressing his open "guppy" mouth to your cheek- precious!
Starting at 2 months, he had been sleeping through the night 8pm until 7am. Starting about 2 weeks ago, he started waking up in the middle of the night because he had rolled onto his belly and couldn't get back onto his back. Then, once he saw me, he wanted to eat. Go figure. :)
He smiles and grins all the time, loves his bathtime.
He has two teeth on the bottom that he cut at 4 months, and his two upper ones are probably close behind!
He never took a pacifier (trust me, I tried!), but LOVES his thumb (as seen below), which is perfectly fine with me!
He is one sweet kid who is very laid back.
Did I mention that he ADORES his big brother, Caleb? He grins every time he sees him!
We are truly blessed to have him as part of our family!
Caleb's main party was on July 31st (the date that worked out best for everyone), but we decided to do a fun lunch outing at Chuck E. Cheese with my dad (Papa), Nana and Grandad. Mom and Ben were out of town and Eric had to work. We got a great deal of a large pizza, four drinks, and 65 tokens for about $20. Back when I was a kid, Nana and Grandad (my grandparents) took me, my brohter, and cousin Amanda to Showbiz (the original "Chuck E. Cheese") for fun and games (and pizza), so I thought I'd continue the tradition!
The Moby wrap saves the day again! Adam rode around with me for awhile in this handy carrier. however, every time I tried to take a bite of my pizza, this is what would happen.
Well, Mr. Chuck (Mr. Cheese? Mr. Cheesy? Mr. Rat?) came to visit. Here he is with Caleb, checking out each other's noses.
Grandad picked this awesome HUGE coloring/activity book out for Caleb! He loves it!
Whack-a-shark!! Apparently, WHACC (Worldwide Humans Against Continuous Clobbering) called and lobbied against the use of moles in the "Whack-a-Mole" game, so now they use sharks. Go figure.
Grandad getting his "Whack-a-Shark" game on!
We had a great time!! Can't wait to go back! Glad I had four adults with me to watch over Caleb and Adam! :)
Rochelle Marshall (left, holding youngest baby Bruton), Leah Zetterholm (right, helping Benjamin), Carolina (front left, Rochelle's daughter) and Caleb making the shakers.
Caroline and Caleb sharing the indoor sandbox!
Caleb and Angela admiring the cake that Mom made! A snare drum!
"What cupcake?"
A rain stick he received!
And a great book, "1001 Things to Find on a Farm" (sort of like a Where's Waldo?)
We gave out recorders to all the kids before opening presents
and they were a hit!
We ended the party with a drum circle, courtesy of Eric, Uncle Bennett, and David Dittbrender. All the kids participated by shaking their shakers, playing their recorders, and banging on the drums. So much fun!
Every one say cheese! (this is the best pic out of 20 that I took)
And here they are with their siblings: Benjamin with Naomi, Caleb with Adam, and Caroline with Bruton. So cute!