He's seen me put it on so much that he's imitating that in the mirror!
Caleb loves to play in leaves! I had swept all the leaves on our front deck into a big pile and guess what? Caleb jumped right into the middle of them! I caught a couple of shots of him enjoying the leaves!
Caleb is now 15 months and he is:
A blind woman was about to celebrate her 95th birthday. Her three sons had gathered to talk about what each of them was going to give her.
The first son said, "I am building Mom a huge house, with LOTS of rooms!"
The second son said, "I am going to buy Mom a Mercedes with a driver, so she can get out and go places when she wants."
The third son said, "I know how much Mom likes the Bible, so I got Mom a unique parrot. It has been trained by monks to recite the entire Old Testament. It is truly a one of a kind bird. All she has to do is talk to it."
A few weeks later, after receiving her gifts, the mother wrote to her three sons.
To the first one, she wrote, "The huge home was not the ideal present for me. I only live in one room but have to clean the WHOLE house!"
To the second one, she wrote, "I don't know why you sent a Mercedes. I never travel and the driver is SO rude."
To the third one, she wrote, "You have the good sense to know exactly what I would want for my birthday. The chicken was delicious."
It's finally grown in! And it is getting blond! :) The camera flash reflects off of it, so normal pictures still make him look bald, so I decided that desperate times call for desperate measures...He loved getting his hair spritzed with the squirt bottle and getting to use some of Daddy's gel in it. Fun! I promise I'll post some more as I get time!! He keeps me busy!
So, I finally got my pictures downloaded off my camera and thought I would post some. It's hard to believe that my little guy is over a year old (he'll actually be 13 months on Sunday!!). He no longer needs any help with walking, eats almost everything in sight, loves to help me "water" the plants outside, loves bath time (especially with bubbles!)
I might get thrown in Blogger Prison. I haven't posted anything in quite awhile...forgive me. I have a one year old.
Here are some pictures of Caleb at the July 4th celebration in downtown Hendersonville!
and true too!
So, Uncle Ben came over tonight to play Xbox with Eric. I had just given Caleb his bath and asked the guys to keep an eye on him while I made up his cereal. I could tell that they were not really "watching" him, but rather had their eye on game. It was one of those war games, and Ben was about to kill Eric (virtually, that is), things were getting tense, Eric was crying for help, Ben was laughing maniacally, when suddenly....
the screen went blank.
Caleb had pushed the eject button on the Xbox console.
That's my boy.
So, there is this church down the road from me that I pass every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on my way to walk at the park. There is a sign out front that has the title of the sermon, and under the sermon title, it has who is preaching the sermon (they must rotate pastors). However, the sign appears like this:
What happens if you have promised your readers that you would update every so often, but really, nothing new has happened in that time frame? Here are some random ramblings...
> I LOVE the cool-ish weather we had this morning!
> I've joined a stroller club that meets at the Fletcher Community Park every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9am-10am. We jog, stretch, tone, and....chat. All with our babies! It is free, and full of fun. If any new moms out there are craving for some fellowship with some other mommies (most of them are first timers, like me), then come join us!
> I'm already counting down till next year's vacation to Edisto Island. That was so much fun this year!
> The best restaurants to take Caleb to are Cracker Barrel and Mexican restaurants. Cracker Barrel because he can eat practically anything off of the menu (and he will, believe me!), and Mexican restaurants because they are usually pretty loud, so it masks his yells. :)
> I love making my own baby food...this is the reason why I chose to do it: for $0.50, I can buy a Parent's Choice (Wal-mart brand) jar of vegetables that will last Caleb for one meal. For $1.00, I can buy a bag of frozen peas, steam them, puree them, and freeze them in ice cube trays (individual servings!). I get around 25 servings out of one bag. This was not a hard choice for me.
> Caleb's hair is finally coming in! No more Mr. Baldy! It is a light sandy brown with a few waves, but no curls. It's adorable!
> Caleb is very close to walking, it's scary. He loves to wave and say "Hi!" to people, even when they aren't looking.
> Caleb loves to eat. His favorite foods are: vanilla ice cream (in small amounts), cheese (except cottage cheese-- I don't blame him), Craisins (dried cranberries), vanilla yogurt, and spinach! Yes-- spinach is right. He eats everything I put in front of him, except the aforementioned cottage cheese and plain cream cheese. He even likes avocados, which I despise. Hopefully, he will keep this up!
Have a great day everyone!
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