Caleb: The 5 year old who's too smart for his own good

Reading a book while waiting on our meal at Sonic!
Here he is, ladies and gentlemen!  Cute as a button with his glasses on. It's a rare thing to actually see his glasses on his face as he either loses them or they break. We will get them fixed before he starts kindergarten next Friday! He's reading on a 2nd grade level, not by anything we've done really (we don't read to him 3 hours a day or anything...just usually a book at night), but he has spent some time on which I think has helped him greatly. It teaches reading phonetically which was a great way for him to learn. I am not good at teaching and I have a lot of difficulty explaining things in my head in terms that Caleb/Adam might understand (which is my main reason for not homeschooling my kids...they would get a much better education at a school from a trained and talented teacher!). 

Right now, Caleb is REALLY into animals.  He loves going to the Nature Center and checking out all of the animals there. He loves to learn about them- which is why we subscribed him to Zoobooks, a monthly kid magazine that arrives with tons of fun info on a certain animal.  So far, owls, snakes (his favorite!) and deer have been the magazine's animals of choice.He thought about being a veterinarian, and then after accompanying me to the vet's office with one of our cats and watching her take their temperature, he quickly changed his mind. *wink* We had to start limiting how many stuffed animals he took to bed iwth him, as it was nearing 20!  He now has 5 at night (which can be taken away, one by one, if he disobeys), and 2 at nap time.  And yes, 95% of the time, he still takes a 2 - 2.5 hour nap every day!

At preschool, holding a baby possum. :)
He is going to be starting kindergarten next Friday, August 17th. He got a postcard from his teacher which made him excited.  He told me the other day that he was a little nervous about kindergarten because "he didn't want to leave me alone for that long". :)  Eric is off next Wednesday which is "Meet the Teacher Day", so he and I are taking Caleb to meet his teacher then to breakfast at The Local Joint. He also wants to ride the bus home from school, but the verdict is still out on that too. :)

Enjoying some supper and smiling for the camera!
Caleb the other day was lamenting the fact that we have to wait until March to go to Disneyworld.  I told him that it was now August, and we had seven months to wait. He said, "How do KNOW that it is August?". I replied "Caleb, how do you THINK I know it is August?".  He answered, "Because you're brilliant." 

He has so many funny sayings (and doings, for that matter), so I hope to use this blog as a place to record them. :)

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