I am so glad that I have a little boy who enjoys arts and crafts. (Naive, as I am, I thought I’d only get that by having a girl). This afternoon, after he woke up from his nap, we hauled out the watercolors (you know, the cheap kit you can get with about 12 colors and a plastic paintbrush), put down some protective gear on the floor, printed out some Christmas coloring pages (and brought down plenty of blank paper), and stripped Caleb down to his diaper. Here we are getting set up…if anybody needs or wants some free printable Christmas coloring (or painting) sheets, you can click here to get them.
Say “cheese”, Caleb! :) Such a ham!
We had a spectator for most of the time…this is Josie, our kitty of almost 5 years. This is a face we see often…it is like her tongue was created too large for her mouth. :) She’s very sweet though!
This is something that impressed me…Caleb asked me to draw him a “T”…so I did, in blue on the right side of the paper. I then asked him if he could draw a “T” too, and he did! In two deliberate strokes, he drew his “T” in a greenish-blackish color on the left side of the paper. Can you see it? I was so proud of him! :) Pretty good for a two year old!
Hee hee…this is after about an hour of painting. Notice the 2 dozen sheets of paper, plus a very dirty boy. It was totally worth it as I had a whole hour with no whining, no punishing, and no defiance. :)