Valentine's Day Party!

Caleb's preschool class had a Valentine's day party on Monday. I was in charge of coordinating it and had a blast doing so! Here are a few pictures from it!

Cute hearts and bags that they could deliver each other's valentines into!
We had heart shaped cutout of ham and cheese with crackers, fruit with dip, and some sweets!
Caleb's class waiting patiently while we set up the tables. Caleb kept saying, "That's MY mommy right there!"
Smile Caleb!!

The class finally sitting down to eat. One of Caleb's teachers, Ms. Philbrick, is in the black shirt.
Caleb munching away.
Next, they read "Love Bugs" and then made their own love bugs! So cute! Caleb's other teacher, Ms. Koon, is in the red shirt.
Here's my love bug, Mommy!

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