Adam- 2 weeks 4 days old

This child loves to be naked! :) Here's a picture of Adam after a bath.
And his sweet big brother, Caleb, sporting Daddy's Gators hat and his own sunglasses (although he calls them Wobble Goggles from Imagination Movers)
Daddy snuggling with his two boys in his bed!
Adam and Caleb snuggling together!

Eric replaced the cat door the other day. Here's Caleb with his Handy Manny tools helping him measure!
Mr. Snugglebunny in his nest snoozin'...
Here he is trying out a isn't one of his favorites!
Smiles for Aunt Amanda! I think he was trying out his flirting skills! :)

Here's our sweet boy, trying to run a marathon while sitting still! :) He's staying awake more often (instead of napping, then eating, then napping, etc.). He still has his blue eyes and his hair is a light brown that looks blond in the sunlight. At his 2 week doctor appointment, he weighed in at 11 pounds, 8 ounces (up from 9 lbs. 14 oz. at his 1 week appt.). He's a great eater! Caleb's a big helper. Funny story from the other day---Adam was crying quite loudly while I was changing his diaper (he was also hungry). Caleb started saying "LAA! LAA! LAA!", imitating Caleb's cry. I asked Caleb if he thought Adam was singing, and he nodded. Then, he said, "Make him sing softer, Mommy." HA! Oh, how I wish I could sometimes! Actually, it is pretty rare that he cries. He only cries if he's hungry, dirty, or has gas. Other than that, he's a fairly laidback baby! We are so blessed!

2 Response to "Adam- 2 weeks 4 days old"

  1. Cathy says:
    March 17, 2010 at 2:34 PM

    great pictures and a cute movie! thanks for sharing!

  2. Nana says:
    March 19, 2010 at 10:10 AM

    these are precious pictures and they both look so happy. Good parents I would say. Can't wait to see all of you... Saturday should be really nice for my 80th birthday. Ha. Love all. NAna Shirley and Jim