So, who knew that I'd be blogging and STILL be pregnant?? I went to the doctor yesterday morning, and when she checked me, she says that I was still at 1cm (no change from the previous Monday). Baby Adam is still head down- it would be extremely rare (although not impossible) for him to turn at this point, so I don't have to worry about having to deliver a breech baby via C-section. Adam's heart beat was still very strong. Dr. Keppler also did another ultrasound to check on the fluid levels. I learned that a low fluid level (which can occur as pregnancy progresses) can increase the risk of cord accidents (cord wrapped around the baby) because the umbilical cord does not have as much room to float around in. Good news is, my fluid level is perfect. Dr. Keppler knows that I would love labor to come on its own, so she said that she would be comfortable waiting until next Monday. I have an appointment at 10:20am next Monday, and at that point, we will probably be induced on Tuesday. While my first choice would not be induction, I also don't want to deliver a 12 pound baby! So, if you could please pray that baby Adam would come on his own, that'd be great! I'm excited about delivering again- it was an amazing experience last time!

1 Response to "40 WEEKS, 3 DAYS!"

  1. Melanie says:
    February 17, 2010 at 9:57 AM

    My mom has told me she went to the hospital three times for me to be born! Each time, I just faked her out. The last time, they had to induce. She wanted me to be a Valentine's baby, but I came two days later. It's good to have my own day though. I will be praying for you!