Cute videos of Caleb!

This kid is just the cutest!! He makes us laugh all of the time! I honestly never thought that a 2 1/2 year old could make me laugh so hard, but he does regularly. There are about 6 videos that I've been meaning to post, so here they are!

Video #1: Caleb singing "Amazing Grace"...normally, he sings it in a lovely sweet voice (he knows all the verses and the chorus to the new Chris Tomlin version-- VERY impressive), but this time, he was performing his own version!

Video #2: Caleb's rendition of his ABCs...we'll call it the "post-modern version"...
or the "whatever goes" version!

Video #3: Caleb "playing pins" (Wii bowling)...Eric stands behind him and bowls, even though Caleb thinks he's the one knocking down the pins. So cute! Like lip-synching for sports!

Video #4: Dancin' in the kitchen with Daddy! Silly boy!

Video #5: Same day- Caleb and Daddy playing in the kitchen!

Video #6: I taught Caleb how to do the "cha-ching!" motion whenever he scored a basketball goal. The last thing he says on the video is "With the hand there??" (It'll make sense when you watch it!)

3 Response to "Cute videos of Caleb!"

  1. Cathy says:
    February 1, 2010 at 2:48 PM

    hillarious! love it!

  2. Helen Joy says:
    February 1, 2010 at 11:07 PM

    I love the dancing one!

  3. Nana says:
    February 12, 2010 at 11:02 AM

    I loved all of these, so glad he is enjoying the basket ball as Jim sure loved getting it for him. Ha.
    God Bless all of you. Nana Shirley